DIY Thriller movie.

Lately I've been watching spy / action / thriller movies. Well the term "watching" would be an understatement as I was actually studying them; Analyzing the ingredients which made these movies what they are. (The movies were the Mission Impossible trilogy, and the TV Series; All the James Bond movies and The Matrix Trilogy).

So what would you need to make your own spy movie?

1) A classy name for the main role. You can't have a spy movie with the protagonist called Cuddles. But I guess you'd have already decided on a better name.

2) A kickass location for the shooting. Something that involves the city, the countryside and a wreckage of buildings for the finale. Well, you could suit the finale to your own choice.

3) A hot babe. With a bikini scene. She might not play an essential role later.

4) A party. One with booze and drugs. Or something sophisticated. You NEED a party scene for the movie.

5) Lots of fast cars and stunts. And try to include stunts on land, water and air.

6) A cool theme song which could double up as the background score for some particularly insane stunt scenes.

7) A guy who befriends the protagonist intially and later backstabs him. Maybe literally.

8) Finally, all this is gonna cost you pretty much. So you could cut on the costs by firing the writer for the movie. Spy movies depend more on action rather than story.

What's that? Wondering why I'm not making my own movie. Coz then I'd take tips from various movies and get sued pretty heavily. Probably that's why. :P
