Live life to the fullest!

What is life? A pessimist would say it's the waiting period before death. An optimist would say it is an opportunity. But actually, it's both...

You only live once, contrary to beliefs of rebirth etc. So live it. Like REALLY. Live it like you're gonna die tomorrow. Smile at a stranger. Help the elderly cross the road. Help your neighbour with her shopping. Walk your dog. Help the needy. Join a volunteer organisation. Go bungee jumping. Show your friends and family that you really care for them. The list is endless. But every entry in the list comes with a reward.

That brings me to the concept of Karma. What goes around, comes around. Do deeds which make others happy. And you'll see, the happiness you offer the world would be mirrored by the happiness that you find within yourself.

Only if we do deeds while keeping in mind the consequences, we shall see into the future. And for every person that smiles for something you did, you shall feel a happiness like no other.

Live today. Let others live. Spread peace.Only then can we make a house a home. Only then can we make the earth a world.
